Announce trailer and official store pages

Sound Horizons has now a public store page on Itch, as well as Steam! It even has a release date: September 2024!

I haven't posted a lot on this devlog lately. It turns out that keeping a video devlog on top of a written one, while solo developing a game, and trying to market it, only on spare time, is... time consuming. I still intend to write some posts here to share some recent technical choices. There's a lot of progress that has been done!

Until then you can subscribe to my Youtube channel to be kept updated with the video devlog.

It should be noted that this is my first game on Steam! It's still a small free game, but this really makes it feel like a real thing, and not just some kind of "personal hobbyist project". I'm hoping it will do well. You can wishlist it today to help it being noticed by the algorithm, and be notified when it comes out! I'll really appreciate it.

There's still a lot of work to do now. So let's cross fingers for an actual release in September!

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