Happy New Year everyone! Here comes a small update to Sound Horizons that should make the last part of its levels more accessible. This "final boss" section was...
I recently added a new level to Sound Horizons : One Colorful Grid . If this name rings a bell, that's because it comes from the game I made before Sound Horizo...
Introducing One Colorful Grid , a new level added to Sound Horizons. This was originally made during a game jam in 2020. It was actually the starting point of S...
I'm very glad that some of you enjoy Sound Horizons! The feedbacks I've received were very encouraging and insightful. One critic that came frequently was that...
After nearly 2 years of development, I'm happy to announce that Sound Horizons is released today! You can play it for free on Windows or Linux. As of today, the...
Lately I've been working on something that I initially didn't want to include in the game: a score system . Sound Horizons could indeed benefit from a bit of re...
So this past month I continued working on the game's menus. I haven't talked much about them here, mostly because I've covered most of it on my video devlog. If...
Sound Horizons has now a public store page on Itch, as well as Steam! It even has a release date: September 2024 ! I haven't posted a lot on this devlog lately...