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Sound Horizons

A rhythm game with dynamic progression · By Itooh


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Sound Horizons Beta is available for play-test
I've released a new video devlog! The informations are more or less the same than my previous post here, but I discuss more the game-design and difficulty balan...
Devlog #10 - Loops and circles
Lately I've finally been able to work on the game on a long stretch! I've made a lot of progress in just a few days. Which means that I have tons of new content...
Devlog #9 - Shader recipe for low-poly mountains in Unity
Here is some kind of a "good" news: I've remade the procedural generation of the mountain (again)! You might ask, how is this a good news? Wasn't this done alre...
Devlog #8 - Particles everywhere
So, big update for the development of Sound Horizons: the environments are done! All 6 layers have been designed, and they even are animated now. Let's first ta...
Devlog #7 - Mixing 2D with 3D
The year's end is busy, but I've still got some time to work on the game! Last time, I was planning to keep working on the 3D environments. Turned out I was abl...
Sound Horizons Devlog #6 - The Rabbit Hole of Shaders
The last month of development was dedicated once again to visual improvements on the environments. More precisely, I did a lot of experiments with an exciting n...
Sound Horizons Devlog #5 - The Shapes of Mountains
After a series of entries dedicated to sounds, I finally have visuals for Sound Horizons! Huge progress has been made during these last two weeks. In this post...
Sound Horizons Devlog #4 - Generative harmonies
Hi! How was your summer? It's been a very long while since the last update on Sound Horizons! There are several reasons for that. First, as I announced last tim...
Last post
Hi! I'm happy to announce that Sound Horizons's Beta is open for play-test ! The game is in a playable state, and I need...
started by Itooh 18 days ago
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